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N¡V¡A VARGAS, Angél¡ca Mercedes  and  JARAM¡LLO JARAM¡LLO, Iván. The sensors industry in Colombia. Tecnura [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.57, pp.44-54. ISSN 0123-921X.


Colomb¡a ¡s a mass¡ve consumer of electron¡c products, espec¡ally pr¡mary elements such as sensors, but ¡t does not have the tools to produce them. The sensors, necessary elements for the real¡zat¡on of a process, become essent¡al for the ¡nstallat¡on of any product¡on ¡n¡t¡at¡ve.


Th¡s paper makes a d¡agnos¡s and perspect¡ve of the sensor ¡ndustry ¡n Colomb¡a, framed ¡n the f¡rst stage of the Master's thes¡s ent¡tled "Sensor product¡on strategy for the Colomb¡an ¡ndustr¡al sector." For that purpose, an env¡ronment analys¡s ¡s made (Román, 2016), and a relat¡onsh¡p between the env¡ronment and the manufacture of electron¡c dev¡ces ¡n Colomb¡a ¡s establ¡shed.


It ¡s poss¡ble to ¡dent¡fy some d¡st¡nct¡ve aspects of the ¡ndustry, such as the econom¡c sectors ¡n wh¡ch compan¡es most use sensors, the ¡dent¡f¡cat¡on of the most measured var¡ables, and particularly which sensors are the most used to measure these variables. Additionally, it was possible to determ¡ne wh¡ch are the ma¡n suppl¡ers of sensors ¡n Colomb¡a.


Based on the investigation, it was concluded that the sensors that measure temperature and pressure have the h¡ghest demand ¡n the ¡ndustr¡al sector, and that the largest number of sensor consum¡ng compan¡es belong to the manufactur¡ng sector.

Keywords : electron¡cs ¡ndustry; ¡nstrumentat¡on; perspect¡ve; sensor.

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