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Print version ISSN 0123-921X
BALANTA CASTILLA, Nevis; PAZ MONTES, Luisa Stella and NAVARRO MEJIA, David. Corporate Celebrations in Colombia: Spaces of Diversity, Inclusion, and Productivity. Tecnura [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.68, pp.79-83. Epub Aug 16, 2021. ISSN 0123-921X.
To study corporate celebrations are spaces of inclusion that allow the cultural, personal, and behavioral encounter of the people who make up an organization, which has positive consequences on the productivity of human teams in companies in the short, medium, and long term.
This research is descriptive, that is, the importance of corporate celebrations in organizations and its relationship to productivity in Colombia is disclosed. The population under study corresponds to workers in medium and large companies, regardless of type and sector. The sample was random; for to the selected companies, all or most of the employees were surveyed. Some of the characterization variables considered were age, gender, seniority, role, position, religious orientation, ethnic group, regional origin, symbols, business culture, and productivity. Data collection was carried out through digital surveys.
Results and conclusions:
This research revealed that workers in Colombian companies not only need economic remuneration to have better productivity, but also motivation and the strengthening of social interactions arising from corporate celebrations, which strengthen the identity, stability, and positioning of organizations.
Keywords : corporate celebrations; productivity; diversity; inclusion..