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Print version ISSN 0124-0137


MORALES ACOSTA, Gina Viviana  and  MORALES NAVARRO, Mario. Deaf Diversity: intercultural sensitivity education of a special school in Santiago of Chile. Psicogente [online]. 2018, vol.21, n.40, pp.458-475. ISSN 0124-0137.

This paper aims to describe the components on intercultural sensitivity education, evident in teaching process to deaf learners of a “special school”. To respect deaf learners’ cultural identity through high quality education adapted to their culture, is the principle of this intercultural education, as per (UNESCO, 2006) for Deaf students, in favor of learning-education, which must assume duties and rights related to their linguistic features, inherent to the deaf learner. Intercultural education principles are based on I) To respect deaf learner cultural identity, not only giving them a high-quality education but also adapted to their culture. II) To teach deaf learners: necessary knowledge, attitudes and cultural skills to participate fully and actively in society. III) To develop study programs by the special school; these programs include : as a contribution, a theoretical revision, based on the construction of sensibility patterns to develop the intercultural education principles actively. Also, it implies that the “special school” must promotes the approaching to the association and the Deaf community, so that means, the students are able to know it and interact with other deaf student in early stages in order to recognize a diverse Other, tending towards the symmetrical negotiation of the cultures in teaching practices, conducted through communicative process in the classroom.

Keywords : intercultural sensitivity; deaf diversity; teaching practice; special school; intercultural education.

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