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Estudios Socio-Jurídicos

Print version ISSN 0124-0579


VIDAL PERDOMO, Jaime. Myth and reality of public service. Estud. Socio-Juríd [online]. 2000, vol.2, n.2, pp.50-67. ISSN 0124-0579.

Under this title the authors studies different aspects of the construction and changes underwent by the notion of public service which is one of the most important concepts of administrative law. The first part shows how the extension of public service legitimated state action and generated the ideas of Providence and Welfare State. Socially, public service not only tried to perform some ideal of equality, but it pretended to shape the concept of solidarity. On the economic realm the increase of public service depicted sides of the entrepreneur state and facilitated nationalization processes. Within a scenario of total adherence to public law, the crisis of the legal notion of public service took to the widening of the sphere of private law and later to privatization policies. Both, the efficiency criteria and the reshaping of the state, produced a decrease of public service and the rise of privatizations. As a result, the state has to regulate and stimulate competence.

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