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Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana
Print version ISSN 0124-4108
SALAZAR BLANDON, Diego Alejandro; ALZATE YEPES, Teresita; MUNERA GAVIRIA, Hugo Alberto and PASTOR DURANGO, María del Pilar. Overweight, Obesity and Risk Factors: An Explanatory Model for Nutrition and Dietetics Students from a Public University in Medellín, Colombia. Perspect Nut Hum [online]. 2020, vol.22, n.1, pp.47-59. Epub Oct 07, 2021. ISSN 0124-4108.
Overweight and obesity are considered an epidemic. It’s important to investigate the factors surrounding these conditions in nutrition and dietetics students; given that in the discourse of their studies and careers these risk factors and conditions will be relevant in the prevention and control of this epidemic.
Identify the prevalence of overweight and obesity and related factors in nutrition and dietetics students in a public university in Medellin, Colombia.
Materials and Methods:
Descriptive cross-sectional study carried out by stratified random sampling in 201 students. A self-report structured questionnaire was applied that included variables to identify risk factors related to sociodemographic characteristics, family history and health behaviors, as well as symptoms of anxiety and depression. To estimate the prevalences of overweight and obesity, BMI was used.
The combined prevalence of overweight and obesity was 17.9% (15.9% overweight and 2.0% obesity). A statistically significant association was found between excess weight and gender (OR=4.6) and family history of hypertension (OR=3.2). The most frequent unhealthy behavior identified was not participating in physical activity (53.7%). Of participant students, 64.7% referred to symptoms of anxiety and 57.2% to symptoms of depression; however, it must be noted that no statistical significance was found between these variables and excess weight.
The prevalence of excess weight in the group studied is less than in other university students. Excess weight is associated with female gender, family history of hypertension, and the habit of continuing to eat even once one feels full. Additionally, it was found that a high percentage of students identify with symptoms indicative of anxiety and depression.
Keywords : Obesity; overweight; students; nutrition; risk factors.