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Revista Universidad y Empresa
Print version ISSN 0124-4639On-line version ISSN 2145-4558
MARIN LOPEZ, Juan Camilo and LOPEZ TRUJILLO, Marcelo. Data Analysis for Entrepreneurial Digital Marketing: Case Study Business Innovation Park - Universidad Nacional, Manizales. rev.univ.empresa [online]. 2020, vol.22, n.38, pp.65-78. ISSN 0124-4639.
Digital marketing offers different opportunities and benefits that SMEs can take advantage of to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. Nonetheless, the real challenge is to analyze the compiled data and utilize it to optimize processes and resources. Despite its importance, there are little researches linking e-marketing and entrepreneurial to data analysis. This paper will explore and describe the data analysis landscape for digital marketing in the Business Innovation Park - Universidad Nacional, Manizales, through 20 surveys. The exploration and description showed that micro-entrepreneurs acknowledges the importance and make use of digital marketing. However, only half of them analyze external or essential data due to various limitations. New doors open for future studies that have a shock approach to the reality found.
Keywords : Data analysis; digital marketing; SMES.