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Discusiones Filosóficas
Print version ISSN 0124-6127
CARDENAS CASTANEDA, Leonardo. Leibniz, Mach and Einstein: Three objections to Newton´s absolute space. discus.filos [online]. 2009, vol.10, n.15, pp.51-68. ISSN 0124-6127.
This paper discusses the absolute character of Newton´s space. In particular, we intend. to debate the alleged ontological or substantivalist character of this view about space. To this end we appeal, in the first place, to Leibniz' argument in which he asserts as one of the implications of absolute space that there would not be way of showing the differences among parts of space since it will be uniform. Then, we will discuss Mach´s reply which defends the possibility of talking about space and inertia by appealing, not to absolute space but to its relational character, that is, that when dealing with inertia and space is pertinent to take into account the relationships in which different bodies stand one to the other. Lastly, we will show that for Einstein the relational character of space has important consequences both in the theory of special relativity and in theory of general relativity.
Keywords : Clarke; Einstein; absolute space; relational space; inertia; Leibniz; Mach; Newton; theory of special relativity; theory of general relativity.