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Universidad y Salud

Print version ISSN 0124-7107On-line version ISSN 2389-7066


MERA-MAMIAN, Andry Yasmid et al. Practical recommendations to avoid physical deconditioning during confinement due to pandemic associated with COVID-19. Univ. Salud [online]. 2020, vol.22, n.2, pp.166-177.  Epub May 01, 2020. ISSN 0124-7107.


Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic includes home confinement, which results in increased physical inactivity and sedentary behaviors, favoring physical deconditioning. Deconditioned people have metabolic and systemic disorders due to the lack of movement.


To present practical, low-cost recommendations on evidence-based activities to avoid physical deconditioning during home confinement, which can be maintained over the long term, even after the pandemic.

Materials and methods:

Documentary review on strategies to support healthy lifestyles at home that decrease the negative effects at a physiological level produced by the confinement derived from the pandemic.


Evidence indicates that home confinement increases the levels of physical inactivity and sedentary behavior; executing physical activity under particular conditions, among other effects, can strengthen the respiratory and immune systems, maintain physical condition and generate positive effects on mental health.


The habits related to the practice of physical activity at home should be maintained over time, it is recommended to do it on a scheduled basis, define rest times between activities and during the night, and choosing those that generate enjoyment.

Keywords : Physical activity; sedentary behaviors; pandemic; social isolation; coronavirus.

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