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Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina
Print version ISSN 0124-8170On-line version ISSN 1909-7735
MOSQUERA ARTAMONOV, José Daniel; MOSQUERA MOSQUERA, Julio César and ARTAMONOVA, Irina. CAPACITY INDICATORS APPLIED TO THE DROP IN THE COLOMBIAN UNIVERSITIES. Cienc. Ing. Neogranad. [online]. 2011, vol.21, n.2, pp.183-203. ISSN 0124-8170.
In this paper, a proposal to implement Process Capability Indices as a tool to measure the effectiveness of a social process is presented. These indices are widely used in consumer products industry, but it is not clear how these can be used to control social processes. The work focuses on the analysis of processes that are not normally distributed and therefore, in first theoretical approximation, are not likely to be controlled by using capability indices. Through a double example applied to the case of desertion in Colombian universities, a detailed methodology of how to solve the problem of non-normality of the data using the Box-Cox transformation, the Weibull distribution and method based on Clements Percentiles are presented. In this way, applicability of different methods already proven in other areas is demonstrated for specific cases of desertion in Colombian universities. The capacity indices method can be used to evaluate the desertion process and set real abandonment goals, possible to achieve. This methodology is proposed in order to control other social processes.
Keywords : indexes process capabilities; box-cox transformation; weibull distribution; academic dropout; normality; method based on Clements percentiles.