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Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina
versión impresa ISSN 0124-8170versión On-line ISSN 1909-7735
VALENCIA DIAZA, Alejandro; GALLEGO RENDON, Ramón Alfonso y HINCAPIE ISAZA, Ricardo Alberto. Use of energy storage systems in the optimal operation of distribution networks. Cienc. Ing. Neogranad. [online]. 2019, vol.29, n.2, pp.115-130. Epub 20-Jun-2019. ISSN 0124-8170.
This paper proposes a methodology for the purchase and sale of energy which consider energy storage elements in the operation of distribution systems and whose objective is to improve the utilities of the network operator by the load curve management. In the formulation of the problem are proposed two mathematical models whose objective function is the minimization of the cost of the purchase of electric energy. The first (linear) model includes the purchase of energy and the second (non-linear) considers, in addition to the above, the energy losses of the distribution system. Both mathematical models consider operational restrictions on energy storage and electrical power grid. The proposed methodology can be used by network operators as a strategy for the purchase and sale of energy, additionally is proposed a mathematical tool that can be applied in the operation and planning of distribution systems with energy storage elements. The proposed methodology is verified using test systems of different sizes, obtaining results that corroborate an economic benefit when energy storage is used in the operation of the distribution systems.
Palabras clave : energy storage systems; load curve management; distribution system operation; technical losses; distribution system.