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Actualidades Biológicas

versión impresa ISSN 0304-3584


VILLADA-AGUDELO, Julieth A.; CASTANEDA-ALVAREZ, Germán  y  JIMENEZ-SEGURA, Luz F.. Description of the initial ontogenic development of the Dorada Brycon moorei (Characiformes: Bryconidae). Actu Biol [online]. 2022, vol.44, n.117, e1.  Epub 18-Ago-2022. ISSN 0304-3584.

Ontogeny is a biological process associated with the appearance or disappearance of anatomical structures and associated physiological processes. The objective of this work is to describe ontogenic development of Brycon moorei, an oviparous and potamodromous fish species, to contribute to a better understanding of the initial development of this species. Samples were obtained from parents kept in captivity. Woynarovich-type incubators were used for the embryos and cement ponds for the larvae, both with a constant supply of water at an average temperature of 27 ºC and food availability. The hours-post-fertilization (HPF) of ontogeny were recorded. The optic capsule was evident at 9 HPF, and the opening of the mouth and anus at 23 and 24 HPF, respectively. The duration of each phase during the embryonic period: cleavage (4 h), gastrulation (3 h), embryogenesis (7 h). The duration of each phase during the larval period: larval yolk (28 h), pre-flexion (61 h), flexion (80 h) and post-flexion (>170 h). In each period and phase, shape analysis was carried out using distance measurements. Larvae had a considerable increase in length with HPF. The total number of myomers was constant from the preflexion phase. Our results can be used to explain the general picture of early development of B. moorei under captivity conditions, as well as to develop better breeding methods for larvae production and to find diagnostic characters that can be used at the taxonomic level.

Palabras clave : chronology; embryo; embryo; larva; morphometry; osteichthyes.

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