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Print version ISSN 0366-5232
VARGAS-SALINAS, FERNANDO and LOPEZ-ARANDA, FABIÁN. Could roads restraint the movement of small mammals in Andean forests of Colombia? Study case in the bosque de Yotoco, Valle del Cauca. Caldasia [online]. 2012, vol.34, n.2, pp.409-420. ISSN 0366-5232.
The presence of roads can produce internal fragmentation or subdivision of animal wild populations with potential effects for their conservation. We tested the hypothesis that the Buga-Buenaventura highway crossing the Forestal Reserve Bosque de Yotoco (western Andes, Valle del Cauca, Colombia) creates internal fragmentation in populations of small mammals. During six months (February to July 2006) we captured, marked, and released 170 individuals of five species: Melanomys caliginosus, Handleyomys alfaroi, Rhipidomys latimanus, Marmosa robinsoni and Heteromys australis. Our data suggest that these species exhibited partial inhibition to cross the monitored road. These mammal species are from forest edges and disturbed areas, thus suggesting a stronger or total crossroad inhibition in species from the forest interior.
Keywords : Road ecology; small mammals; rodents; Bosque de Yotoco; internal fragmentation.