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Pensamiento & Gestión

versión impresa ISSN 1657-6276versión On-line ISSN 2145-941X


ROJANO ALVARADO, Yolmis Nicolás; CONTRERAS CUENTAS, Margarita María  y  MENDOZA FERNANDEZ, Darcy Luz. The handcraft market practices of the wayú indians in Riohacha (La Guajira, Colombia): A study ethnographic. Pensam. gest. [online]. 2016, n.41, pp.262-288. ISSN 1657-6276.

ABSTRACT In the present investigation was conducted an approximation to the practices of the craft market of the wayú indigenous in Riohacha (Colombia) with the aim of generating the understanding of the commercial development in its sociocultural environment, prepared a review of the thematic discovering the absence of empirical results and are therefore conducted a qualitative research with the ethnographic method. In-depth interviews were conducted, participant-observation and consolidation of results analyzed in three arrays: 1-M. Saturation, 2-M. characteristic and 3-M. concepts. Finally, the findings generated twelve main characteristics grouped in to three dynamics that they conceptualized the market context, the types of negotiation and the specificity of the production of the artisanal trade, with specialized practices that emerge from the internal sociability of this group in the framework of the subsistence, authenticity and stewardship of the wayú values.

Palabras clave : Craft Market; Wayúu ethnic group; Ethnography; Etnomarketing.

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