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Pensamiento & Gestión

versión impresa ISSN 1657-6276versión On-line ISSN 2145-941X


DURANGO YEPES, Carlos Mario  y  DIAZ PELAEZ, Alejandro. Revisando la relación entre Gobernanza del proyecto y éxito del proyecto: el papel moderador de la gestión del proyecto sostenible y el compromiso de los stakeholders. Pensam. gest. [online]. 2024, n.56, pp.5-5.  Epub 02-Sep-2024. ISSN 1657-6276.

The purpose of this paper is to theoretically discuss the relationship between project management and project success mediated by sustainable project management and stakeholder commitment, due to the little exploration it has had in the literature on project management. This discussion is carried out around the research findings related to these four constructs, from which it is argued that the school of sustainability in project management allows the renewal of the field of project management. Previous literature on the relationship between project governance and project success has contradictory findings. These findings denote a gap to examine the moderation effects of sustainable project management practices and stakeholder engagement. Based on the background studied, it can be argued that there is a lack of understanding in the existing literature related to project governance and project success. Therefore, this paper exposes the influence of stakeholder commitment and sustainable project management practices on the relationship between governance and project success. Finally, some theoretical, empirical and practical implications are offered.

Palabras clave : Sustainable project management; stakeholder engagement; project success; project management; business administration; structural equation modeling (SEM).

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