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Civilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Print version ISSN 1657-8953
MARTINEZ REYES, Cielo Rebeca; AGUDELO DURANGO, Jennifer; AREIZA CORREA, Sandra Milena and GIRALDO PALACIO, Diana Marcela. Patient safety and its perception in health professionals. Civilizar [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.33, pp.277-291. ISSN 1657-8953.
This article determine nursing staff perceptions towards the patient safety culture in four institutions of first and second level of care, in agreement with the Corporación Universitaria Adventista during the second semester of 2015. The participants were the professionals and nursing assistants who met the criteria of inclusion and participated voluntarily. Data were collected through the Spanish version of the Hospital Survey on Patient. Founded that safety culture on nursing it is building with little and daily actions that can save the patient’s life. Foment and consolidate it requires a balance between staffing and tasks assigned in workdays, aspects that, added to education and the empowerment of management in the field, will foster an atmosphere of trust and organizational learning.
Keywords : patient safety; nursing care.