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Opinión Jurídica

versão impressa ISSN 1692-2530versão On-line ISSN 2248-4078


OSORIO MORENO, César Alejandro. Is Criminal Protection of the Author's Moral Rights Legal?. Opin. jurid. [online]. 2010, vol.9, n.18, pp.143-158. ISSN 1692-2530.

Within the scenario of the modern criminal law and from a compared perspective between Spanish criminal law and Colombian criminal law in relation to criminal protection of the author's moral rights, discussion on the need for having criminal intervention or not is started from questioning if a relevant legally protected interest is really protected that would deserve using the most serious social control mechanism of the State: the criminal law; or how will it be established if from protection of the author's property rights, his/her moral rights are also protected, as it commonly happens in Spain today.

Palavras-chave : Author's moral rights; criminal protection; minimum intervention; legally protected interest.

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