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Opinión Jurídica
Print version ISSN 1692-2530On-line version ISSN 2248-4078
RESTREPO-YEPES, Olga Cecilia; MOLINA-SALDARRIAGA, César Augusto; CATANO-GOMEZ, Paola Andrea and PABON-GIRALDO, Liliana Damaris. The Right to Adequate Alimentation in Administrative Planning in the Pandemic Contexts: Rights Defense in Territories. Opin. jurid. [online]. 2020, vol.19, n.spe40, pp.125-150. Epub Sep 17, 2021. ISSN 1692-2530.
The objective of this article is to define the necessary elements that must be considered to guarantee the right to adequate food in confinement contexts and that can be adopted by municipal and district governments through their development plans. For this paper, a qualitative research with a documentarytype hermeneutic approach was carried out. It included the search of specialized literature in academic and scientific databases, the systematization of information in bibliographic records and the analysis of this information in discussion sessions with all the work team. The obligatory isolation as a measure to prevent the spread and contagion of COVID-19 has produced economic impacts that expose a food crisis in the city of Medellín, its attention has been made from exceptional, conjunctural and welfare measures. This has revealed the absence of an accessibility strategy and availability of adequate food, at the juncture, in the short, medium and long terms, configuring a structural violation of the right to adequate food. Based on a review of the declared exception regime, the analysis of the project of the development plan for Medellín and the guidelines provided by international organizations, a set of ele ments that should be considered in the design of an adequate food accessibility and availability strategy are proposed in emergency situations that require mandatory preventive isolation.
Keywords : right to food; COVID-19, pandemic; development plans; human rights approach..