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Opinión Jurídica

Print version ISSN 1692-2530On-line version ISSN 2248-4078


AGUILERA RODRIGUEZ, Ana Rosa. On the Right to the City and its Foundations as a Human Right. Opin. jurid. [online]. 2021, vol.20, n.spe43, pp.261-282.  Epub Nov 19, 2022. ISSN 1692-2530.

Among the setting elements of the right to the city, its juridical nature can be found. With the goal of systematizing the doctrinal trends related to it, with an emphasis in its determination as an emerging human right, this scientific article is written. based upon the general foundations and the caractheristics that human rights themselves have, its valuing, emerging conditions and generational location are tackled. Likewise, the text makes reference to its collective, diffuse, complex and instrumental character. The literature review was the research technique essentially employed, as well as some more frequently used scientific-theoretical research, as in judicial research; characterized with a greater specificity. The fundamental results are centered on the systematization of the main trends that assist the determination of the right to the city among the emergent Human Rights, as well as other aspects related to its judicial nature. All the assessed aspects allow the study to conclude that this right is assisted by the judicial foundations necessary for being considered with the condition of emergent Human Right.

Keywords : Judicial dimensioning; judicial nature; right to the city.

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