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Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud
versão impressa ISSN 1692-715Xversão On-line ISSN 2027-7679
GARCIA-BASTAN, Guido. Mobilities and School Experience in the Urban Periphery of Córdoba, Argentina. Rev.latinoam.cienc.soc.niñez juv [online]. 2023, vol.21, n.3, pp.169-195. Epub 04-Dez-2023. ISSN 1692-715X.
This paper analyzes the intersections between territory, mobilities, and educational experiences of youngsters from a peripheral neighborhood in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. Through an ethno-graphic approach based on observations, territorial mapping workshops, and group interviews with secondary level students, we account for a monopolization of time and space by the school, which inhibits their participation in other significant social spheres. From the youth perspective, the school assumes a paradoxical connotation: it is a «good place» to be, although it is also an environment that does not meet specific demands related to health, respect for diversity, and recognition. The role of educators is not contested, as much as the way in which many of them are able to meet these demands.
Palavras-chave : Youth; Secondary Schools; Communities; Participatory research.