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Print version ISSN 1692-8857On-line version ISSN 2011-7477


SANCHEZ USON, María José. Baudelairian Music. Eidos [online]. 2024, n.42, pp.183-212.  Epub June 28, 2024. ISSN 1692-8857.

This paper is based on an interdisciplinary and critical reading of the different actors and perspectives involved in Baudelaire's research, emphasizing the relationship between music and poetry. Charles Baudelaire's musical knowledge and passion for music are present in his work, in which both direct quotations and allusions are essential for the unveiling and understanding of his poetic self. However, it is in the field of philosophy that music and poetry will find themselves reconciled, since both arts are not only naturally drawn to philosophical reflection, but just as poetry generates «ideas», music, by itself, composes «ideas-melodies».

Keywords : Baudelaire; music; poetry; philosophy; philosophy of music.

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