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Print version ISSN 1692-8857On-line version ISSN 2011-7477


URUETA LEON, Vladimir. Naturalist Fallacy, Fallacy of Composition in John Stuart Mill. Eidos [online]. 2024, n.42, pp.213-243.  Epub June 28, 2024. ISSN 1692-8857.

The following article will address the criticism that states that John Stuart Mill committed the naturalistic fallacy and the fallacy of composition. This theme can be approached in two ways, one would consist of analyzing whether Mill really does not know the distinction between what is desired and what is desirable, another, if his conception of hedonism, happiness leads to the commission of the aforementioned fallacies. This last form is the main topic that will be addressed, in other words, it will briefly mention whether Mill confuses desired/desirable, is/ought, and it will be pointed out how Mill's idea of hedonism and happiness do not lead to falling into the naturalistic fallacy nor in the fallacy of composition. In all this, education will play a valuable role.

Keywords : John Stuart Mill; Naturalistic fallacy; fallacy of composition; Hedonism; Happiness.

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