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Revista Guillermo de Ockham

Print version ISSN 1794-192XOn-line version ISSN 2256-3202


DANKEVYCH, Vitalii et al. Concept of Global Peace: Military, Terrorist and Informational Threats. Rev. Guillermo Ockham [online]. 2023, vol.21, n.2, pp.397-414.  Epub July 26, 2023. ISSN 1794-192X.

The article deals with the analysis of transformation processes of doctrinal and praxeological interpretation of the concept of world peace in the context of overcoming modern military, terrorist, and information threats. The tasks solved in the article are to reveal the essence of understanding the modern concept of global peace; to analyze the effectiveness of the mechanism of international institutions in providing counteraction to the military threat; to study terrorism as an opposition to peace and stability; to reveal the nature of challenges to the information and educational environment as a significant factor in ensuring global peace. The humanistic approach is characterized by a special axiological value for research, with a methodological triad of methods used: philosophical, general scientific, and special scientific methods. The method of empirical individual observation is applied in the context of demonstrating the opposition to the concept of world peace in the example of the war in Ukraine; the method of the author’s questionnaire is used to determine the informational and educational factors in the concept of ensuring world peace. In the conclusions, the thesis is presented that the modern interpretation of the concept of global peace should be extended to its perception as a comprehensive ideology, which includes not only legal regulators of countering military conflicts but also a wide range of social security institutions for the peaceful coexistence of people in the political and legal reality. The elements of the concept of the global world order are the functioning of international and national subjects to ensure peace and development of civil society, including the education of the global world order, tolerance, democratic values of constitutionalism and the rule of law, and other primary legal axiological values. The originality of the research lies in the comprehensive analysis of globalization threats to the concept of peace and security of the international society in the military, anti-terrorist, and information spheres with the demonstration of empirical material from the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022.

Keywords : terrorism; weapons; information warfare; educational space; military operations; international humanitarian law.

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