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Print version ISSN 1794-2470


GONZALEZ B, Mauricio  and  ALONSO, Ana Milena. Technologies for water saving in rice. Nova [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.26, pp.63-78. ISSN 1794-2470.

Water use efficiency, given that it conditions the sown areas, yield and production costs, as well as its sustainability, determines the future of rice production in Colombia against the FDA. This paper presents a review of the globally developed technologies for water saving in rice production under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The authors highlight alternative technologies that surpass the conventional system in terms of yield and harvest per cubic meter of water used. In the reflection for Colombia, the authors highlight important features for the research agenda and the social appropriation of alternative technologies with a view to optimizing water resources usage for rice production. Recommendations include the prioritizing of aerobic rice and the effective measurement of water consumption, which is indispensable for its use, and for planning, directing, and understanding how these alternative technologies can lead to the recovery of the investment made by agricultural workers and crop profitability.

Keywords : Rice; Technologies; Efficient Water Use; Aerobic.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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