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Tabula Rasa

Print version ISSN 1794-2489


VARGAS TOVAR, Catalina. Forms of the Political Subject in the Contingency Panorama. Tabula Rasa [online]. 2007, n.7, pp.211-230. ISSN 1794-2489.

I am interested in exposing a series of matters regarding the relationship between an individual and society that may be uncovered if we study philosophy of politics from the framework contingency. How can the relationship between these instances be described in a context that accepts contingency as the place of politics? How can the relationship among individuals be described without introducing transcendental elements? For this purpose, an analysis will be carried out with two objectives: in first place, to explore the conception of political subject under the paradigm of agreement; in second place, exploring the same notion under the paradigm of disagreement. The final objective is to indicate that, even if contingency is a factor in both positions, there is a different comprehension of politics and the other depending on the adopted paradigm.

Keywords : contingency; philosophy of politics; agreement; disagreement; aesthetics.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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