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Tabula Rasa

Print version ISSN 1794-2489


QUIJANO MEJIA, Claudia. From Peasant Settlers to Black Communities, from Guerrilla Regulation to State Regulation. Tabula Rasa [online]. 2022, n.41, pp.73-98.  Epub Apr 26, 2022. ISSN 1794-2489.

Drawing from the case study of a Black community, this study explores how identifying themselves with ethno-racial categories became a resistance strategy amid armed conflict and made easier for rural dwellers to get closer to forms of state regulation. After peace accords with the FARC, that stance has made harder for the ELN rebel army to position itself as a valid mediator in community conflicts. Methodologically, we resort to ethnography and oral history, using techniques like interviews, documentary review, and participating observation. The categories guiding the analysis were identity -understood as strategic and relational- and State, -not as a rational actor operating outside and above society but based on its agents’ practices and the representations that populations have towards it-.

Keywords : Black communities; Peasant; identity..

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