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Revista Lasallista de Investigación

Print version ISSN 1794-4449


MONTES MARIN, Edwin Alonso. On tribes, on emos: On young people in a weak and risky society. Rev. Lasallista Investig. [online]. 2009, vol.6, n.1, pp.92-97. ISSN 1794-4449.

The purpose of this essay is an approach with sociological, anthropological, psychological and with certain interpretative keys, in order to understand what is going on with young people in their historical evolution, looking at their context to identify and analyze their characteristics. This reflection invites us to assume, with solidarity and professionalism, an attitude of listening, respect and companionship towards the cry that young people, emos or not, are shouting to the society asking us to look at them, to read their symbolic capitals and to take them out from that "subtle abandon" we have surely submitted them from the families, the education and from this hyper individualist society. This is about the evolution of the looks and the arrival of a new kind of person, achieving a demonstration of how, in this re-signification process, new points of view, practices and aesthetics appear, and they do it with the capacity of inspiring and / or consolidating new tendencies. These tendencies seem to be a shout from young people telling us: "We are here! Observe us not looking for our external appearance, but for what is inside us".

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