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Revista Lasallista de Investigación

Print version ISSN 1794-4449


GOMEZ MONTOYA, Rodrigo Andrés  and  CORREA ESPINAL, Alexander Alberto. Loading improvement in the dispatch of a distribution center by the use of response surfaces. Rev. Lasallista Investig. [online]. 2012, vol.9, n.1, pp.70-85. ISSN 1794-4449.

Introduction. Loading in dispatching operations is a critical process to make the deliveries efficiently and to contribute to the satisfaction of the clients' needs. Objective. To use the technique of experimental design optimization called response surface methodology, in order to reduce the time required to load in the dispatching operation, thus contributing to make the Distribution Center (CEDI) more efficient. Materials and methods. A four stages methodology focus is used, including aspects such as description of the company, the logistics system, the CEDI and the adaptation of the response surfaces methodology, supported by the use of the Minitab 15® statistical software in the dispatching operation. Results. A methodology based on that of the response surface is obtained, not only contributing to the state of the art through the improvement of CEDI, but also creating a tool applicable in companies because in the case developed in a meat production company, it reduced the time from 10 to 6.5 minutes, approximately, guaranteeing optimal working conditions.

Keywords : Loading; dispatch; response surfaces methodology; improvement; distribution center.

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