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Revista Lasallista de Investigación

Print version ISSN 1794-4449


HEREDIA-PONCE, Hugo; ROMERO-OLIVA, Manuel Francisco  and  PARRADO-COLLANTES, Milagrosa. Booktrailer and reading in the initial teacher training: a case study. Rev. Lasallista Investig. [online]. 2020, vol.17, n.1, pp.276-290.  Epub Feb 02, 2021. ISSN 1794-4449.


the booktrailer is becoming an important digital resource to promote reading among students and thus encourage reading. Within this panorama, future teachers must have an academic background not only in specific areas of didactics, but also in the field of technology in order to be able to use them; that is, it is important in the initial training of the teacher.


to analyse the opportunities offered by the booktrailer and the beliefs of future teachers.

Materials and methods:

to carry out this research, we decided to choose a case study which sample is the students of the subject Communicative Competence of the integrated Curriculum of the University of Cadiz. In this context, questionnaires, field diary, interviews and SWOT matrix were used.


the booktrailer was considered to have an educational potential and, therefore, it is necessary to include it in the classrooms.


with all the above, it was considered that reading can be encouraged and promoted through the booktrailer.

Keywords : booktrailer; initial training; reading promotion; digital competence.

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