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Revista Lasallista de Investigación
versión impresa ISSN 1794-4449
RESTREPO-HINCAPIE, Mariana y COGOLLO-FLOREZ, Juan M.. The Product Recall Problem: Academic and Legal Approaches. Rev. Lasallista Investig. [online]. 2021, vol.18, n.1, pp.114-133. Epub 10-Mar-2022. ISSN 1794-4449.
the recall study is a current and complex issue of supply chain quality management to ensure the safety and protection of consumers.
identify the main national and international academic and legal approaches used to design and perform product recall strategies.
Materials and Methods:
an exploratory research approach was applied, through a literature review and bibliometric analysis with the Vosviewer software, by considering the articles published between 1999 and 2019 in the databases Taylor and Francis, EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus databases, Springer Link, IEEE, Google Scholar, and Proquest.
there was an increase in the number of recalls in the last 20 years, especially in the toy industry (161 %), the automotive sector (140 %), beauty products (70 %) and electrical supplies (64 %). The main methodologies for studying product recalls are qualitative ones.
new academic contributions are required for developing models and methodologies that allow all the supply chain members to be involved in designing and performing coordinated strategies to reduce the risks of defective or unsafe products in the market.
Palabras clave : product recall; quality management; supply chain management; literature review.