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Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe
On-line version ISSN 1794-8886
ROMAN ROMERO, Raúl and NINO DE VILLEROS, Vanessa. The day of the Independence in Colombia: The exclusion of the facts of the Caribbeanregion. 1821-1919. memorias [online]. 2013, n.21, pp.101-129. ISSN 1794-8886.
This paper analizes the way how it is established and imposed the national Independence day in Colombia, July the 20th and it deeply looks at the context where this imposition was made. It also examines the difficulties to establish this date as a referent of a historical Colombian memoir in relation to Independence day, and highlights all the resistance against this date to be accepted as such a remarkable one. The resistance, according to this analysisis, came from different regions of the country arguing that this date was established as the Independence day merely in representation of the events happening in the Colombian Andes region.
Keywords : July the 20th; National Independence Day; memoir national; historical narration; bicentenial; Independence.