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 número36Arte, cultura e etnodesenvolvimento: a experiência piloto de mediação em Bocas de Uré, CórdobaObeah en Belice: un sistema de creencias que se niegan a desaparecer en el Caribe índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe

versão On-line ISSN 1794-8886


CRUZ CASTILLO, Alba Lucía; CALDERON, Alejandra; FLOREZ, Sonia  e  CORDOBA, Laura. The role of care in the healing of pain. Experience from surviving victims of sexual violence in the Colombian context. memorias [online]. 2018, n.36, pp.128-145. ISSN 1794-8886.

The objective of the article is to make visible the way care is activated around the accompaniment of pain from the experiences of the Association of Afro Women for Peace, which supports strategies of political agency, which provide a sense of their collective experiences and thus recognize the importance of a political platform that ensures the value of its memory and the construction of peace subject to its ancestral practices as victims-survivors which transmit key elements for the care of solidarity, trust and empathy with the purpose of mobilize new citizenships committed to the defense of life and human rights.

This article is the result of a research process of which I approach the narrative approach as a method which consists of human lessons to give meaning and meaning to the behaviors of the subjects through the story that involves symbolic keys in which the narrative is a frame of reference and seeks to reflectively contribute to assess care as to accompany the pain of the women lived in the war.

Palavras-chave : citizenship; care; surviving victims.

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