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Print version ISSN 1794-8932


ALVAREZ LOPEZ, Mario Alberto; BERNAL LOPEZ, Luz Adriana; RENGIFO CASTANEDA, Carlos Adolfo  and  CANAVERAL LONDONO, Diana Carolina. Rationality in the teaching and learning of economics and its implications for human progress. sophia [online]. 2017, vol.13, n.1, pp.99-108. ISSN 1794-8932.

In this article, product of a research, several purposes are intended. First, to provide to a lay audience certain generalities about rationality and its relationship with knowledge. Second, to present some of the aspects associated with the problem of rationality in economics. Third: to give an account of the reasons that make possible a conception about both science and scientific and human progress. Fourth, to recognize how this rationality -expressed in the method- responds, in a certain extent, to the logical and epistemological presuppositions settled from the classical time -and extended until the contemporaneity- prevailing in the different modes of construction of knowledge, in general terms; and that don't acknowledge others ways of giving account of knowledge in relation to the particular ontologies of each science.

Keywords : Science; economics; method; progress; rationality.

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