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Diversitas: Perspectivas en Psicología

versão impressa ISSN 1794-9998


PABON POCHES, Daysy Katherine  e  SILVA FERNANDEZ, Claudia Susana. Institutional mistreatment and risk of mistreatment of older adults: a report of caregivers and administrators in Santander, Colombia. Divers.: Perspect. Psicol. [online]. 2024, vol.20, n.1, pp.125-138.  Epub 01-Jan-2024. ISSN 1794-9998.

Abuse against older adults can occur in various contexts, one of the environments with a high risk of abuse is the institutions that provide geriatric services; Direct and administrative caregivers are the ones who usually carry out ill-treatment. It is for the above that this quantitative research of correlational scope is proposed, in which a non-probabilistic convenience sampling is implemented to obtain a sample of 96 people from 23 Welfare Centers in Santander. An ad hoc survey of 33 questions addressed to caregivers and administrators of geriatric institutions was used. The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship between the report of abuse against the elderly and the risk of geriatric abuse associated with the formal caregiver. The sample evaluated shows a low prevalence of abuse and a low risk of abuse; the highest reports were about neglect and psychological abuse. It was identified that the presence of abuse is associated with risk factors such as perceiving a loss of interest in work and dislike of working with the elderly population; additionally, in formal caregivers, mistreatment is related to the thought that they have too many responsibilities, and in administrative caregivers it is related to the belief that they do not offer optimal care. Understanding the risk factors for abuse associated with caregivers, such as the presence of stereotypes, an inadequate work environment and the perception of workload, are vital for designing strategies to prevent this form of abuse.

Palavras-chave : elderly adult; institutional abuse; negligence; caregivers; risk of abuse.

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