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Psychologia. Avances de la Disciplina

versión On-line ISSN 1900-2386


CAYCHO-RODRIGUEZ, Tomás et al. Evidence psychometric initial of the scale of self-efficacy for aging (EAEE) in peruvian elderly. Psychol. av. discip. [online]. 2018, vol.12, n.2, pp.47-60.  Epub 20-Dic-2020. ISSN 1900-2386.

The study examines the psychometric evidences of the Self-Efficacy Scale for Aging (EAEE) in a sample of 400 older adults (75.2% women and 24.8% men) from the city of Trujillo (Peru) with an average age of 73.37 years (DE = 7.86). The participants completed the EAEE along with measures of life satisfaction and depression. The exploratory factor analysis (AFE) revealed that the EAEE presented a one-dimensional factorial structure. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed that the one-dimensional model had an acceptable fit (S-Bχ2 = 54.02, df = 345 p = .001; S-Bχ2/df = 1.54; CFI = .97; RMSEA = .052 [IC90% .021, .078]; y SRMR = .049; AIC= 118.96) and an adequate reliability (ω = .88 [IC95% .84 - .91]; α = .88 [IC95%: .84 - .91]). EAEE scores correlated positively with satisfaction with life (r = .56, p< .01 [IC95%: .46, .79]) and negative with depression (r = -.48, p< .01 [IC95%: -.37, -.73]). The results suggest that the EAEE presents evidence of validity based on the internal structure, convergent and discriminant, as well as an adequate reliability.

Palabras clave : older adult; self-efficacy to age; reliability; validity.

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