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Psychologia. Avances de la Disciplina

On-line version ISSN 1900-2386


LOTERO OSORIO, Hernán Darío; NAVARRO ARBOLEDA, Luis Felipe  and  MARIN MARIN, Margarita María. Impact of the Psychologist-internship Model in a university Psychological consultation in the years 2020-2021. Psychol. av. discip. [online]. 2024, vol.18, n.1, pp.39-60.  Epub Oct 03, 2024. ISSN 1900-2386.

In Colombia, the Decree 2376 of 2010 requires higher education institutions to train human talent in health through the psychologist-internship relationship, complying with the principles stipulated in the Political Constitution, health and education regulations. The objective of the current research is to describe the perception of the impact generated by the provision of psychological care services provided by a psychological office form a university institution under the psychologist-internship model during the years 2020-2021. The study presents a mixed design of an exploratory nature; a sample of 367 participants divided between members of the psychologist-internship committee, supervisors, practitioners and users was collected. The results show an adequate perception of the impact on the training processes, the acquisition of clinical skills and the effectiveness of the therapeutic processes used. The implementation of the psychologist-internship relationship is discussed according to current legal policies and its execution in the process of professional practices. It is concluded that the accompaniment through the psychologist-internship model allows to guarantee an adequate training process and the provision of mental health services.

Keywords : Psychologist-Internship Relationship; Impact Evaluation; Clinical Psychology; Psychological Attention; Mental Health.

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