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versión impresa ISSN 1900-3803


BADILLO-MENDOZA, Miguel Ezequiel  y  MARTA-LAZO, Carmen. Cyber-citizenship and mining: conceptual guidelines and practices. The case of La Colosa in Tolima, Colombia. Entramado [online]. 2014, vol.10, n.2, pp.238-249. ISSN 1900-3803.

This article presents a progress report of the results of a research project titled "Alternative communication as an expression of cyber-citizenship within the frame of the mining project at La Colosa in Tolima, Colombia." This phase of the project deals with the objective of questioning the concept and the practice of cyber-citizenship, making it possible to identify and understand the relationships with contemporary social, cultural, and technological development processes. The methodology used was documentary analysis based on the preparation of structured analytical summaries, matrices, and networks. It reveals that the concept of citizenship is currently undergoing a crisis as a result of multiple factors such as globalization, market, and deterritorialization, and the fact that an approach to the concept of cyber-citizenship involves an understanding of how the relationship between citizenship and technologies has brought together two scenarios; one that focuses on praxis and discourse, and another that focuses on the management dimension. It can be concluded that cyber-citizenship is a concept under tension which is related to emerging citizenships, which goes beyond an instrumental vision of technological resources, and which requires a high level of social empowerment for its development.

Palabras clave : Cyber-citizenship; citizenship; alternative communication; La Colosa; mining.

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