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Print version ISSN 1900-3803


HOYOS-VILLA, Oscar Alberto. Factors driving industrial SMEs in the Colombian Coffee Region towards internationalization. Entramado [online]. 2019, vol.15, n.2, pp.78-103. ISSN 1900-3803.

This paper presents the factors which have driven some industrial SMEs (Small and Medium-sized enterprises) in the departments of Caldas, Quindío and Risaralda to start internationalization processes, based on a multiple case study with an exploratory qualitative descriptive scope. The results suggest that industrial and exporting SMEs of this study adapt the products to be exported and follow quality policies in the production processes. Many of these companies have stated that there are no plans for dealing with conflicts at an international level and that exports have contributed to improving the company's productivity of Others have claimed to have difficulties with international negotiation skills, despite having developed innovative products and being interested in knowing their competitors abroad. A large number of these SMEs recognize the difficulties in finding qualified personnel to work in this area, while a small number of them carry out studies on the foreign market. The conclusion is that although most of the industrial & exporting SMEs of the Colombian Coffee Region consulted have managed to open up to international markets, thanks to their initial competitive development at the regional level, the administrative staff profile of the international area must be improved and promotion and distribution strategies increased in order to achieve and maintain competitive advantages.

JEL Classification: F2

Keywords : Internationalization; industrial and exporting SMEs; internal factors of internationalization; external factors of internationalization; business internationalization.

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