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Revista Científica General José María Córdova

Print version ISSN 1900-6586


ACOSTA GUTIERREZ, Leonardo  and  CANCELADO FRANCO, Henry. War, Society and Legitimacy in the Colombian State Building. Rev. Cient. Gen. José María Córdova [online]. 2012, vol.10, n.10, pp.63-76. ISSN 1900-6586.

All human institutions are faced with the question of what makes a State to be legitimate and legal, and the question of why it has the authority to command and enforce obedience of citizens. The problem of legitimacy of State power becomes important once the origin and exercise of the State has been challenged or has been largely unknown. When the authority of the State cannot be imposed to build a political, economic and social project, known as a formed country, troubled relationships are created, which permeate all of its internal relations, and empower illegal actors that reflect the failure of State power at international level. Such is the case of Colombia in its republican project, for the last two hundred years of challenges, successes, progress and setbacks, which have led to either an acceptance or rejection response by the legally constituted institutions. This phenomenon produces an illegitimate process that ties especially in the daily reality of republican life. Reality faced by the military, which is called to defend sovereignty and territory. The question is: what happens when a group of people don't want to be defended or to be subjected to a national project? Then war appears as a resource and the power starts to move like dynamo of national life.

Keywords : War; State; Nation; Power; Legitimacy; Legality.

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