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Revista Científica General José María Córdova

Print version ISSN 1900-6586On-line version ISSN 2500-7645


PADILLA ONATE, Sergio. Community policing and citizen trust. The cases in Nezahualcóyotl and Mexico City. Rev. Cient. Gen. José María Córdova [online]. 2024, vol.22, n.46, pp.288-312.  Epub June 30, 2024. ISSN 1900-6586.

This article analyses the capacity of the proximity or community policing programs to foster trust in the police in two localities: the Nezahualcóyotl municipality in the state of Mexico and the historic center of Mexico City. For this purpose, the results of a survey applied to the habitants of both localities are analyzed using a binomial logistic regression model. The results show that in both cases, these proximity strategies have achieved a positive impact on the trust of the habitants further than other individual and context factors. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the police in preventing crimes is shown as the main determinant of trust in both cases.

Keywords : community policing; crime prevention; Mexico; police; proximity police; security.

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