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vol.22 issue46Community policing and citizen trust. The cases in Nezahualcóyotl and Mexico CitySurvival strategies and neighborhood cohesion facing COVID 19 in Nezahualcóyotl and the historical center author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Científica General José María Córdova

Print version ISSN 1900-6586On-line version ISSN 2500-7645


ALVARADO MENDOZA, Arturo. The impact of insecurity and citizen participation on satisfaction with democracy. Rev. Cient. Gen. José María Córdova [online]. 2024, vol.22, n.46, pp.312-337.  Epub June 30, 2024. ISSN 1900-6586.

This article analyzes how insecurity and citizen participation affect the democratic satisfaction, the trust in institutions and the rule of law. Firstly, literature about the determinants of satisfaction with a democratic regime is examined according to which criminality affects the perception of security, the evaluation and trust in government, the respect for law and the regime support, essential components of a democratic regime. Then, the results of a random survey con ducted in the historic center of Mexico city in 2022 are presented. Results show that when citizens notice a lower presence of crime and have a higher trust in authorities, specially in the police, their satisfaction with the government and the democratic regime increases.

Keywords : development; illegal market; Mexico City; organized crime; urban renovation.

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