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Producción + Limpia

Print version ISSN 1909-0455


HERNANDEZ ESCOLAR, Hugo Alfonso  and  MENDEZ SAYAGO, Jhon Alexander. Economic feasibility to guarantee the minimal vital drinking water in Bogotá D. C., Colombia. Rev. P+L [online]. 2013, vol.8, n.1, pp.102-118. ISSN 1909-0455.

Abstract Introduction. This article simulates the implementation of a minimal vital quantity of drinking water in Bogotá, Colombia, for strata 1 and 2. Objective. To evaluate the possibility of subsidizing the implementation of this minimal vital quantity of drinking water, by increasing the fees paid by people from strata 5 and 6. Materials and methods. The simulation required the estimation of water demand functions in order to determine the impact on the drinking water consumption in strata 5 and 6, due to the increase of fees. Results. It was determined that it is possible to subsidize the free consumption of 8 and 9 m3 of drinking water in consumers from strata 1 and 2 in Bogotá by increasing fees for strata 5 and 6 in 26,6% to subsidize 8 m3 and 38,1% to subsidize 9 m3, respectively. Under the minimal requirement of conservation of the system´s deficit, it would not be possible to subsidize a 10 m3 minimal vital consumption of drinking water among people from strata 1 and 2. Conclusions. It is possible to the families with higher incomes finance the minimal vital quantity of drinking water (8 m3 or 9 m3) of homes with lower incomes in Bogotá.

Keywords : Minimal vital quantity of drinking water; simulation; water demand.

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