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Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas
Print version ISSN 2011-2173
PASCUALETTI, MARTÍN et al. Gross margin of different green asparagus hybrids (Asparagus officinalis var. altilis L.) in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina . rev.colomb.cienc.hortic. [online]. 2013, vol.7, n.2, pp.201-216. ISSN 2011-2173.
Asparagus represents a productive alternative for farmers that is growing globally. Its demand is centered in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, southern hemisphere countries that produce this crop in the opposite season can market their production in their domestic markets as well as internationally. Since this vegetable has a high genotype-environment interaction, it is necessary to evaluate its productivity and the impact on the economical results. In this sense, the aim of this paper was to study the use incidence of different green asparagus hybrids on the economical results of the crop by means of gross margin calculation as a tool in the decision processes of business management in the fourth year of productivity. The productivity obtained with seven fully male hybrids of Italian origin: Italo, Zeno, Eros, Ercole, H668, Marte and Giove, as compared to the control American UC-157, was evaluated in Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The total production cost for the evaluation year was $5,208 USD. As asparagus is a perennial crop, an amortization fee of $473 USD was considered. An average commercial productivity of 9 t ha-1 was obtained, on which the gross margin (US$/ha) was calculated. The GM was 10225.7 US$/ha with a range between 8903.8 US$/ha (Marte hybrid) and 11746.3 US$/ha (Zeno hybrid). The yields obtained with all the studied hybrids allowed for a positive gross margin, demonstrating that it is a promising productive alternative for the region.
Keywords : amortization fee; production cost; productivity.