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CES Psicología

versão On-line ISSN 2011-3080


MURCIA, María del Pilar  e  OREJUELA, Johnny Javier. The teotherapeutics and psycotherapeutics communities as a treatment against SPA addiction: an approchement to its state of art. CES Psicol [online]. 2014, vol.7, n.2, pp.153-172. ISSN 2011-3080.

This article presents an approach to the state of art related to some investigations with Teotherapeutics and Psycotherapeutics communities as a way of investigation for the treatment of psychoactive substances addiction. To achieve this goal, researchers have conducted systematically, a wide bibliography focused on this type of investigations into the psychiatry and psychology field. It starts from characterizing comparatively the most outstanding features of Teotherapeutics and Psycotherapeutics, and then the issue is addressed to the therapeutic bases of the intervention in case of psychoactive substance addiction Finally, It would present the trends in theoretical models, research methods and topics of inquest, that allow to outline the current state of this important issue in the clinical field.

Palavras-chave : Psychoactive Substances; Drug Addiction; Addiction; Teotherapeutic Community; Theotherapy; Therapeutic Community; Psychotherapy.

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