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vol.8 número1Emotional Well-being of Youth in Foster Care: An Exploratory StudyApproaches to psychological clinical and its method grounded in complex epistemology and adapted postmodern contexts índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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CES Psicología

versão On-line ISSN 2011-3080


CASTANOS CERVANTES, Susana  e  SANCHEZ SOSA, Juan José. Girls at risk of homelessness: Subjective well-being and mental health. CES Psicol [online]. 2015, vol.8, n.1, pp.120-133. ISSN 2011-3080.

Mental health of girls at risk of homelessness is seriously affected by the vulnerable conditions in which they are involved. However, there are few studies that have addressed the issue worldwide. This study was conducted to explore the mental health of a sample of 26 girls at risk of homelessness, through differences by subjective well-being level and the effect of anxiety, depression, assertiveness and emotional regulation. The findings show significant discrepancies by subjective well-being grade in assertiveness and emotional regulation. Therefore, participants present mental health deficiency. The clinical benefit consists in taking action from the identified needs, in order to improve mental health conditions and consequently, the quality of life of the mentioned social group.

Palavras-chave : Girls; Adolescents; Human Females; Risk of Homelessness; Homeless; Mental Health; Subjective Well-Being.

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