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CES Psicología
On-line version ISSN 2011-3080
KIENEN, Nádia et al. Previous behaviors of “Study texts in academic context”. CES Psicol [online]. 2017, vol.10, n.2, pp.28-49. ISSN 2011-3080.
Many students initiate higher education with a series of study behaviors that are inconsistent with the requirements of that education level, which can produce damages to their performance and quality of life. Finding the previous study behaviors allows improvement to the students’ study repertoire. This study aims to identify and systematize the previous behaviors of “Study texts in academic context” based on 18 texts regarding to study strategies. This is a descriptive and bibliographic study that comprised the transcription of excerpts from these texts which contain grammatical sentences with verbs and predicates related to study behaviors. 625 behaviors were identified and classified in 12 categories that involve time and environment management, functional reading, motivation and self-monitoring. Studying is characterized as a very complex type of behavior that is not reduced to application of study techniques. It involves pre-study behaviors (e.g. time and environment planning, goal setting) and post-study behaviors (e.g. process monitoring, evaluation of the functionality of the strategies used). The majority of behaviors identified involve the development of problem solving skills and students’ autonomy. These behaviors were organized in a diagram according to the previous relationship among them.
Studying is characterized as a very complex class of behavior that is not reduced to application of study techniques. It involves pre-study behaviors (e.g. time and environment planning, goal setting) and post-study behaviors (e.g. process monitoring, evaluation of the functionality of the strategies used). The majority of behaviors identified involve the development of problem solving skills and students’ autonomy. This data can be used by directors and teachers to plan teaching conditions for these behaviors. Such planning could also be seen as an integrated practice for professional training, including these behaviors as learning objectives of the curricula themselves and not just as an isolated initiative of some teachers or directors.
Keywords : Study; Study Habits; Higher Education; Previous Behaviors; Decomposition Diagram; Academic Context; Academic Environment,Training.