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Revista colombiana de ciencia animal recia
On-line version ISSN 2027-4297
REYES B, Bernardo; CARDONA A, José; MONTES V, Donicer and VARGAS V, Marlene. Anatomopathological findings in a bovine infected with tuberculosis in Viçosa, Brazil. rev. colombiana cienc. anim. Recia [online]. 2018, vol.10, n.2, pp.190-196. ISSN 2027-4297.
A case of bovine tuberculosis was reported in a Holstein female of approximately 350 kg in weight, which was attended by the animal pathology service of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the University of Viçosa, Brasil. The owner reported progressive wasting, due to the poor state of health it was decided to sacrifice the animal and later moved to the area of pathology where the necropsy was performed. Hairy, pale mucous membranes and marked cachexia were evidenced in the external inspection of the corpse, the anatomopathological findings at necropsy revealed important injuries such as: nodular case areas in muscles in the intercostal region, pleura, lung, liver and pre-scapular lymph nodes. The definitive diagnosis of the corpse was bovine tuberculosis.
Keywords : bovine tuberculosis; cattle; necropsy.