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vol.18 issue2Estudio comparativo de los ámbitos funerarios en templos de España e Iberoamérica durante la etapa colonial¿Perjudiciales o Beneficiosas? la discusión sobre el impacto económico de las reformas borbónicas en Buenos Aires y su entorno author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Fronteras de la Historia

Print version ISSN 2027-4688


VANOYE CARLO, ANA RAQUEL. Sobre la historia de la arquitectura de los conventos del norte de la Península de Yucatán: Desde la llegada de los Franciscanos a Campeche en 1544 hasta la construcción del convento de Santa Clara de Asís en 1567. Front. hist. [online]. 2013, vol.18, n.2, pp.213-246. ISSN 2027-4688.

The evangelization of Nueva España begun in 1524, when twelve Franciscan monks led by Martín de Valencia arrived to Yucatán. All of them were wise and experienced. However, their knowledge was not enough to accomplish their mission. To reach their purposes, they had to learn the essential pre-Hispanic cultural habits and apply them to the evangelization process. This lead to a syncretism which influenced all human activities. For example, in architecture, the most important result was the way they built convents in Nueva España during the sixteenth century, which gave a new meaning to spaces and became the very axis that ruled the life in the new rising countries. This is a synopsis of the evangelization process in the northern zone of Yucatán peninsula, presented through the consideration and analysis of the Franciscan convents architecture.

Keywords : Architecture in Yucatán; Dzidzantún; evangelization in Yucatán; mural painting; religious syncretism.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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