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Fronteras de la Historia
Print version ISSN 2027-4688
VASQUEZ PINO, DANIELA. 'Los Yndios Infieles Han Quebrantado la Paz'. Negotiations between European, Chocoes and Cunas in Darien, 1739-1789. Front. hist. [online]. 2015, vol.20, n.2, pp.14-42. ISSN 2027-4688.
This article analyzes one of the mecha-European military during the 18th centunisms that Europeans uses to control ry. The article analyzes the speech used the indigenous groups in America dur-by the Europeans to invade the region, ing the viceroyal era: signing treaties and the permanently negotiations and and negotiations. This paper will focus ethnic alliances that Cunas establishon the case of the Cunas, an indigenous ment whit and other indigenous group, group that habits in the region situated the Chocoes, to demonstrate resistance. between the Panama's isthmus and the That process meant to the Spaniards the gulf of Darien, and helping by the for-acceptation of an unfinished process of eign sailors, maintenance the war to the "buen gobierno".
Keywords : Alliances; Bourbon reformism; buen gobierno; Cunas from north; Cunas from south; peace treaties; resistance.