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Fronteras de la Historia

Print version ISSN 2027-4688On-line version ISSN 2539-4711


BELAN, CESAR. The Prize of a Prison Night: The Pay-to-Stay Fee in Colonial Arequipa, 1750-1836. Front. hist. [online]. 2020, vol.25, n.2, pp.236-258. ISSN 2027-4688.

Historical scholarship, primary sources, and the day's doctrine all suggest that prisoners during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries experienced wretched conditions. Curiously, in spite of the grueling circumstances they faced, incarcerated people were compelled to pay their jailers a "jail fee" or "pay-to-stay fee". This paper analyses the imposition of jail fees in the final century of the Spanish Empire in Arequipa. It seeks to establish the mechanisms by which this fee was charged, its social and cultural implications, and how it served to subsidized prison maintenance in various locations within the former Municipality of Arequipa.

Keywords : Prison fee; jail; Arequipa; Viceroyalty of Perú; warden.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )