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Fronteras de la Historia
Print version ISSN 2027-4688On-line version ISSN 2539-4711
VIDAL ORTEGA, ANTONINO and ROMAN ROMERO, RAÚL. Imperial Frustrations in the Western Caribbean Stretch: Robert Hodgson and The Nuevo Reino de Granada Viceroyalty at the End of the 18 th Century. Front. hist. [online]. 2022, vol.27, n.1, pp.44-73. Epub Jan 01, 2022. ISSN 2027-4688.
This article analyzes the social and political dynamics that emerged in the context of imperial disputes between English and Spaniards in Mosquitia coasts, and in the adjacent territories located by the West Caribbean Coast at the end of 18th century. It is analyzed how regardless the plans English had to take control over San Juan River to establish a route between Central American Caribbean and Pacific coasts, they failed due to dissimilar interests and to the tensions between English army militaries and Jamaican authorities. In these tensions it is found the English military Robert Hodgson, who played an important role, first, as part of the English army and later as a prisoner and negotiator with the Spaniards. In addition, it is examined the role that Spanish marine's military intelligence played and also the actions led by Viceroy Caballero y Gongora, with his purpose to frustrate any English project over Central American.
Keywords : Caribbean; imperial stretches; Western Caribbean; Robert Hodgson; Mosquitia; Pacific; Virreinato del Nuevo Reino de Granada.